Friday, November 4, 2016

ngTable - Introduction

I was looking for a grid/table element with following requirements:
  • In-built filtering, sorting and paging.
  • Can be represented as a read only table.
  • An editable grid with just text boxes.
  • An editable grid with check-boxes and drop-down boxes.
  • A grid with ability to add and remove rows.
I came across various implementation of angularJS tables/grids:
  • ng-table 
  • ng-grid 
  • ui-grid
Among these I went with ng-table, only because it is very simple to use and has great documentation along with working examples (which is getting improved day by day).

Steps to use ng-table in AngularJS application:
  • First download ng-table .css as well as .js file and add a reference to it.
  • Add ngTable module to where the app module is being declared.
                 var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["ngTable"])
  • In the HTML file (partial view) add the following code where you want your table to appear

               <table ng-table="employeeSkills">

                  <tr ng-repeat="skill in $data">

                    <td data-title="'#'">{{$index + 1}}</td>
                    <td data-title="'Skill Type'" >
                         <span>{{ }}</span>
                     <td data-title="'Skill Name'" >
                           <span>{{ }}</span>
                     <td data-title="'Rating '" >
                         <span>{{skill.rating }}</span>
                    <td data-title="'Is Primary'" >
                   <input type="checkbox" ng-model="skill.isPrimary" value="{{skill.isPrimary}}" disabled />
  • In the controller javascript file where you want to use ng-table declare ngTableParams in following way:
          myApp.controller('viewEmployeeSkillController', ['ngTableParams', '$scope', 

             function (ngTableParams, $scope) {

                var skills = [

                            {name: "Java", type: {id: 1, name: 'Technical'}, rating: 2, IsPrimary: 'false'},
                            {name: "LifeScience", type: {id: 2, name: 'Domain'}, rating: 5, IsPrimary: 'false'},
                            {name: "Communication", type: {id: 3, name: 'Personal'}, rating: 4, IsPrimary: 'false'}
                            ] ;     
                $scope.employeeSkills = new ngTableParams({}, {
                  dataset: skills,
                  counts: []

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