Wednesday, November 23, 2016

LINQ - Query Syntax, Method Syntax and Lamda Expressions

There are two basic ways to write a LINQ query to IEnumerable collection or IQueryable data sources.

  • Query Syntax - aka Query Expression Syntax 
    • This is similar to SQL (Structured Query Language) for the database.
    • The LINQ query starts with the From clause and ends with the Select or GroupBy clause.
    • Implicitly typed variable - var can be used to hold the result of the LINQ query.
    • You can use various query operators (filtering, joining, grouping. sorting etc.) to construct the desired result.
  • Method Syntax  - aka Method extension syntax or Fluent
    • Uses extension method included in the Enumerable and Queryable static class.
    • Method syntax comprises of extension methods and Lamda expressions.
    • Implicitly typed variable - var can be used to hold the result of the LINQ query. 
    Lamda Expressions - A shorter way of representing anonymous methods using special syntax. In the above example. 

    • Syntax: parameter => body expression

    In below example i is the parameter , => is the Lamda operator, and (i%2) == 0 is the body expression.
    • Can have zero parameters.
    • Can have multiple parameters.
    • Can have multiple statements in body expression.
    • Can be assigned to generic delegates Func, Acton or Predicate.
    • Can be invoked same way as delegate.

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