
  1. Introduction
  2. Binding Expressions
  3. Modules
  4. Controllers
  5. Data Binding
  6. Directives
  7. Directive- ng-src
  8. Directive - ng-repeat
  9. Directive - ng-include
  10. Events
  11. Filters
  12. Services
  13. Service - $http
  14. Service - $anchorScroll
  15. Routing
  16. Routing - ng-route
  17. Removing # symbol from url for partial views 
  18. Routing- ng-route - $routeParams
  19. Routing - ui-route
  20. Routing - ui-route - $stateParams
  21. Controller AS syntax
  22. Controller AS vs $scope
  23. AngularJS intellisense in Visual Studio
  24. ngRoute vs ui-router
  25. Dependent Drop-down boxes
  26. Dependent Drop-down boxes in each row of the grid/table
  27. CRUD operation in grid/table by using ng-table
  28. Bi-directional Sorting in the table
  29. Simple Filtering 
  30. Filtering Based on only one column
  31. Filter By Multiple Properties (at a time match check only on one column) 
  32. Filter By exact match
  33. Filter By Multiple properties (if one of the column has the matching content)
  34. Custom Fiters (Attandance filter)
  35. Editable Grid using ng-table (adding, removing rows from grid, editing grid rows)
  36. How to Make a ASP.NET WebAPI call from AngularJS applicaiton

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