Wednesday, October 12, 2016

AngularJS - Controller "Controller as" syntax

We have seen in my earlier post the controller code with $scope object. In this post I am going to talk about the controller code with "controller as" syntax.

While creating the controller code with "controller as" syntax, we don't have to inject the $scope object in controller function, instead "this" is being used .

While using "Controller as" syntax don't be in under impression that $scope is not being used. It is still being used behind the scene, just that AngularJS is hiding that.

Defining controller:
angular.module("myApp", [])
            .controller("myController", function(){
                this.message = "Hello World!";
            .controller("employeesController", function($http){
                    var self= this;
                             method: 'get',
                             url: "EmplyeeService.asmx/GetAllEmployees'
                                       function(response) {
                                           self.employees =;
                                        function(reason) {
                                            self.error =;
            .controller("employeeDetailsController", function($http, $routeParams){
                   var self= this;
                             method: 'get',
                             url: "EmplyeeService.asmx/GetEmployees',
                             params: {id: $}

                                       function(response) {
                                           self.employee =;
                                        function(reason) {
                                            self.error =;

Using Controller: through routing
angular.module('myApp', ["ngRoute"])
             .configure( function ($routeProvider){
                          .when("/employees",  {
                                    templateUrl: "Partial/employees.html",
                                    controller: "employeeController as employeeCtrl"
                          .when("/employee/:id",  {
                                    templateUrl: "Partial/employeeDetails.html",
                                    controller: "employeeDetailsController",
                                    controllerAs: "employeeDetailsCtrl"
                                    redirectTo: "/home"

Using Controller: directly in view
<h1 ng-controller= "myController as myCrl">{{myCtrl.message}}   </h1>
<table ng-controller ="employeesControls as employeeCtrl">
      <tr ng-repeat="employee in employeeCtrl.employees">

Below examples summaries the two syntax for defining AngularJS controllers:

Controller code with $scope object:
Define Controller:
angular.module("myApp", [])
            .controller("myController", function($scope) {
                  $scope.message "Hello World!";

Use controller inside the View:
<h1 ng-controller="myController">{{message}}   </h1>

Controller code with "controller as" syntax
Define controller:
angular.module("myApp", [])
            .controller("myController", function() {
                  this.message "Hello World!";


Use controller inside the View:
<h1 ng-controller="myController as myCtrl">{{myCtrl.message}}   </h1>

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